Beverly Hills for Acne Scar Removal

acne scar removal

People who live and work in Beverly Hills always want to look their best, and for some, that means acne scar treatment. Acne scars are not only unattractive, but they can inhibit opportunities for work, romance, and other areas of life. The good news is that there are many ways that our board-certified dermatologist can soften the look of acne scars. We are happy to provide combination treatments at our office in West Hollywood. Some of the available treatments include chemical peels, fillers, subcision, and laser therapy.

Chemical Peels

A chemical peel is a treatment where specialized solutions are used to remove the rough, dry skin cells of the very top layer of skin and with it the acne scars and other types of scars. Chemical peels range from light, medium to deep.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers correct scars by plumping up the layers of skin beneath them. Dermal fillers can be made of several substances, including hyaluronic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid. Most of them not only add volume, but also cause the body to produce its own layer of collagen and elastin, which also soften acne scars.

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This patient had fibrous scarring, tethered adhesions and textural irregularities on his cheeks and temples. @bellafill is a dermal filler that is FDA approved for acne scars provides immediate and lasting results (5-10 years) to restore indentations, cellulite and scars. This filler works by building collagen, which is eventually replaced by your own tissue because of the tiny microspheres contained in Bellafill that promote collagen formation. I use this filler in small aliquots, and it works to restore the damaged tissue beneath the scars. It is important to note that Bellafill is primarily used to treat rolling acne scars. Chemical peels and more aggressive laser resurfacing treatments in combination with Bellafill will yield superior results. For this patient, we combined the filler with #tcacross for his Ice-pick scars, which is made of trichloroacetic acid, to create and form new collagen fibers within the skin. After an aggressive #co2 laser resurfacing treatment and @bellafill to fill numerous indentations, he is now on a treatment plan of deep microneedling radiofrequency like @inmodeaesthetics #fractora and #morpheus8 treatments, and @Fraxel_US, a non-ablative laser for resurfacing texture. Again, to truly see dramatic results for acne scar improvement, it is crucial to do combination treatments. If you’re concerned with #acnescarring, please email to see the best combination treatments for your skin.

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There are different types of acne scars, and subcision is especially effective when it comes to treating rolling scars. These scars don’t have sharp edges but make the person’s skin look rough-textured, which can make the person look unhealthy. No one in Beverly Hills wants to look unhealthy! After this type of acne scar removal, the skin will appear smoother.

Laser Resurfacing

Lasers for acne scar removal can use very concentrated light to destroy the cells in the acne scar, but they are precise enough to not injure the surrounding, healthier skin. Like dermal fillers and chemical peels, lasers also cause the body to lay down new collagen.

Contact Us for Acne Scar Removal

If you are a resident of Beverly Hills and want to lessen the appearance of your acne scars, don’t hesitate to set up a consultation at the office of Dr. Jason Emer in West Hollywood. The above treatments just scratch the surface when it comes to your acne scar removal options. Click here to learn more about how Dr. Emer performs his treatments, and contact us today to schedule an appointment!