Conveniently located to serve Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Los Angeles, NYC, and Miami.

When it comes to abdominal lipo for women, Beverly Hills patients are consistently satisfied with the work of Dr. Jason Emer and his experienced team of plastic surgeons. If you’re looking to achieve a slim and shapely abdomen with defined contours and curves, Dr. Emer’s expert lipocontouring is right for you. Dr. Emer’s results look feminine and very natural.
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Even though a solid dieting and exercise plan can do a world of good for overall weight reduction, they are often ineffective when it comes to spot reduction of stubborn fat pockets. When someone works out, they want to see results, but a layer of excess fat can obscure toned abdominal muscles.

With his specialized abdominal lipo for women, Dr. Emer can remove this excess fat to reveal a toned tummy. During this body-contouring treatment, the hips, waist, and stomach can be etched and contoured, and even abdominal cellulite can be addressed. Additionally, Dr. Emer can address any contour irregularities from other doctors’ procedures.

A number of effective techniques can be performed to achieve the patient’s aesthetic goals with a high degree of precision. State-of-the-art minimally invasive lipo methods can be employed, fat can be transferred to improve muscle definition, and the skin of the abdomen can be tightened using energy-based treatments.

Additionally, 360 HD Lipo for women can be performed to contour not just the abdomen but numerous regions of the body, including the thighs, buttocks, arms, and back. This allows for comprehensive sculpting of the body.



The best candidates for abdominal liposuction are women who are at or near their ideal weight. HD lipo is not a weight-loss procedure, so patients must instead be in search of a way to address pockets of stubborn fat.
The best candidates for abdominal liposuction are women who are at or near their ideal weight. HD lipo is not a weight-loss procedure, so patients must instead be in search of a way to address pockets of stubborn fat.
Ideal candidates for abdominal lipo for women have realistic expectations, are in overall good health, do not have pre-existing conditions, and do not smoke. Smokers must quit several weeks in advance of the procedure and must avoid smoking during healing and recovery. Smoking can cause complications and prevent adequate skin retraction.


Patients of Dr. Emer undergo body-contouring procedures in our state-of-the-art office. Abdominal lipo for women is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient is awake and comfortable the entire time. This is because the lipo techniques involved are only minimally invasive.

At the start of the procedure, Dr. Emer marks the treatment areas as a guide to ensure precise and natural contouring and etching. Once the local anesthetic has taken effect, small incisions are created to allow cannula entry.

Next, Dr. Emer performs Body-Jet lipo on the abdomen. Body-Jet is a type of WAL (water-assisted liposuction), meaning it involves application of high-pressure water to free fat cells from their surrounding tissues. This is a much gentler method than traditional liposuction, and because of that, post-surgical swelling and bruising are minimized for a more comfortable recovery process.

Following this, VASERlipo is performed. VASERlipo is a type of UAL (ultrasound-assisted liposuction). Ultrasound energy allows for gentle removal of clusters of fat cells, which is key for fat grafting. The heat of this energy can tighten the skin and soften scar tissue.

Often, SmartLipo is performed to achieve impressive abdominal etching and fat removal. This laser liposuction procedure is very precise and is ideal for melting fat cells and tightening sagging skin. Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) may also be used for fat removal and sculpting.

When patients have a great deal of excess loose abdominal skin remaining, surgical skin removal may be required. In these cases, a full or mini tummy tuck can be employed. Also called abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is an effective way to address sagging skin and drooping abdominal muscles.


Without effective methods to tighten the skin tissues, abdominal fat reduction can result in the formation of frustrating sagging skin. Heat-based skin tightening aids in skin retraction, ensuring that the abdomen looks tight and toned. Dr. Emer utilizes many skin-tightening methods depending on the details of each patient’s case. These treatments also provide lasting improvements through stimulation of new collagen production.

ThermiRF is a non-surgical treatment that encourages skin retraction through application of radiofrequency heating. The RF energy causes subdermal tissue to tighten, improving the look of the abdomen.

Renuvion cools the skin with helium while tightening the skin with RF plasma energy. This effectively reduces laxity in the region.

BodyTite uses radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin tissues, encouraging them to better conform to the abdomen’s new underlying contours.

As part of abdominal lipo for women, the excess fat that has been removed can be put to good use in a variety of fat-grafting procedures. These are autologous procedures, meaning ones where tissue from the patient’s own body is used. Autologous procedures have a much lower incidence of allergic reaction or rejection by the body.

Many women are interested in using autologous fat as a filler for facial wrinkles and depressions or as a way to reduce cellulite. It can also be used as an enhancement aid for areas like the breasts (natural breast augmentation), rear end (Brazilian butt lift), backs of the hands, lips, labia, and calves.



When it comes to non-invasive and minimally invasive abdominal contouring for women, Dr. Emer offers a number of state-of-the-art options. These are often used in concert with surgical liposuction to provide even more effective results (though they can also be used on their own).

Fire & Ice is a treatment that combines CoolSculpting and BTL Vanquish ME for fat reduction and skin tightening. CoolSculpting destroys fat cells with cooling energy, while Vanquish melts fat and creates new collagen using radiofrequency energy.

Cutera truSculpt iD is a treatment that directs monopolar RF energy at the abdomen to reduce stubborn subcutaneous fat and tighten skin.

Women who are unhappy with the results of another doctor’s abdominal lipo surgery often come to Dr. Emer looking for revision. Because of Dr. Emer’s years of experience performing corrective procedures to address other doctors’ poor results, he is an ideal choice for liposuction revision. He employs techniques like fat removal, fat grafting, scar-tissue release, and tightening of excess skin to create amazing revision results.



Dr. Emer’s abdominal lipo for women provides permanent fat-reduction and contouring results. While traditional fat-reduction methods like dieting and exercise shrink fat cells (meaning they can grow in size again), abdominal liposuction completely removes the fat cells from the body. Because of this, there is no risk of regrowth.

Once your procedure is complete, it is best to maintain your impressive results with a regular exercise schedule and a healthy diet. Avoiding massive weight gain or loss is key for preserving high-quality results.


When planning out abdominal lipo for women, Dr. Emer takes great care to ensure that his results are optimal for each patient’s body type and beauty goals. As a result of this, results look very natural, especially in relation to the rest of the patient’s body. This helps to avoid a “worked-on” appearance. Dr. Emer’s high degree of skill in body contouring also allows him to utilize a wide variety of cutting-edge techniques when performing this procedure.


The recovery process for abdominal lipo for women involves a degree of downtime and rest. Once your procedure is over and you have returned home, it will be important to follow all of Dr. Emer’s post-surgical care instructions diligently. This ensures a comfortable healing process without prolonged downtime.

Swelling and bruising will be present following this procedure. The extent of tissue removal involved determines the degree of swelling and bruising, as do the exact contouring methods used. These issues will gradually fade.

To address bruising and swelling, ice packs can be applied as directed. You will need to wear a post-surgical elastic garment for a time, which will control swelling and support the tissues as they heal.

You may feel sore during recovery. To ease this feeling of discomfort, pain-control medication will be prescribed. Antibiotics will also be prescribed in order to prevent an infection in the treatment area.

Fluid drainage will occur as part of the healing process. To encourage this and avoid buildup, it is helpful to arrange an appointment for a lymphatic massage. VEC (Venus Legacy, Exilis Ultra, and Cellutone) and VVZ (Venus Legacy, Vanquish, and ZWave) treatments also aid in the drainage process, along with providing skin tightening, reducing swelling, and preventing scar-tissue buildup.

The best way to keep the skin tight after abdominal lipo for women is with regular RF and shockwave treatments. During the first month, these treatments should be performed twice a week. After this, weekly treatments should be performed for a month. Results can be maintained with treatment sessions once or twice a month.


Abdominal lipo for women varies in cost based on the details of each patient’s liposuction session. The overall price will be impacted by a variety of factors, including the amount of tissue being removed, the time required to perform the procedure, anesthesia costs, and the exact methods being employed.


Dr. Jason Emer is available to speak with patients regarding abdominal lipo for women in Beverly Hills. To get started with your body-sculpting journey, arrange your consultation with Dr. Emer by contacting us today.