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GHK-Cu is a research peptide being studied for its anti-aging, hair growth, and regenerative effects. GHK-Cu is a human copper-binding peptide proven to confer a host of benefits related to healing, tissue regeneration, and skin, hair, and nail health.
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What is GHK-Cu?

GHK-Cu is a human copper-binding peptide proven to confer a host of benefits related to healing, tissue regeneration, and skin, hair, and nail health.

GHK was first discovered in 1973 by the noted peptide researcher Dr. Loren Pickart. He found that aged liver cells, when inoculated with blood from young people, were able to begin regenerating.

Eventually, it was discovered that GHK was the cause of this spontaneous regeneration. This is also how researchers were able to discover that GHK declined during the aging process, since the aged cells were not able to begin regeneration until introduced to young blood cells.

Since this discovery, GHK-Cu has been widely used in topical anti-aging skincare products and hair regrowth formulations. It also shows strong potential in more therapeutic applications from pain reduction to nervous system function, although research is ongoing at this time.


GHK-cu is one of the best products to signal regrowth and remodeling of tissue all over the body. Using this for healing and cosmetic use are its main indications. It also had been shown to be more effective at growing hair than the ingredient found in Rogaine!


GHK-Cu acts directly on fibroblasts by increasing production of mRNA and protein for collagen, elastin, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, and decorin; all of which are critical components in tissue repair and maintenance. Further, it acts to stimulate the production of metalloproteases and protease inhibitors which function to remove damaged tissue proteins. Together these functions increase the function of the cellular machinery and scaffolding to initiate repair and healthier tissue.


Based on the literature, GHK-Cu has been shown to:
  • Improve skin collagen by 70%
  •  Reduce fine lines and wrinkles by 35%
  • Protect the lungs from liver fibrosis
  • Used as an anti-cancer therapy.
  • Improves healing of wounds and reduces infections
  • Act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce pain
  • Help prevent and correct hair loss
  • Help heal nerves and reduce types of nerve pain