Permanent Lip Filler Removal

Permanent lip fillers are uncommon, but some older fillers used materials not designed to be broken down by the body. Permanent lip filler removal aims to eliminate unwanted or problematic fillers with various techniques.

Pros: Removal can correct asymmetry, address migration of filler, or simply reverse the effects of permanent fillers. Several techniques exist, each with varying effectiveness and downtime.

Cons: Removal procedures can be more complex and expensive than injection. Depending on the technique, potential side effects include scarring, bruising, swelling, and temporary asymmetry. Complete removal may not always be achievable.

Alternatives: Dissolvers like hyaluronidase can break down hyaluronic acid fillers, but are not effective for permanent fillers.

Recovery Time: Recovery time varies depending on the removal technique used. Some procedures may require several sessions.

Disclaimer: Permanent lip filler removal should only be performed by a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon with experience in corrective procedures. A consultation is crucial to discuss the risks and benefits and choose the most appropriate removal method.